The Business Miracle NDITC Free of Charge

The Business Miracle NDITC Free of Charge
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

If you want to protect your family you must protect your income. One of my White Papers entitled The Recovering Employee makes the point that profits are your future. Forget about your job for a moment and think about your life and future. Who’s going to take better care of you and your family?

I knew that people wanted a lot more freedom in their personal and professional life. They wanted that greater personal freedom that no employer in the world could ever allow them and stay in business at the same time.
Even to this day other inkjet and toner printer cartridge companies, wholesalers and retailers try to enter the New Deal Ink and Toner Company to learn the secrets.
What NDITC teaches you is so important that everything we teach you is protected by copyrights and our simple to understand customer services contract.
After 29 years of traveling all over the United States it became clear that the only way to create individual wealth in America was to own your very own business.
If you could create an income without your current employer would you take the step?
If I promised that you could earn $500 per day would you leave the job that pays you $100 to $200 per day?
If you were convinced that selling just one toner printer cartridge would earn you $100 to $150 each would you want to learn more?
I started New Deal Ink and Toner Company because people need help in finding the truth about manufacturing, foreign manufacturing, fulfillment and distribution and other supply chain opportunities.
You don’t have to buy a machine because other people already own them. You never have to build a factory because several of them are open waiting on you.
Inkjet and Toner printer cartridge factories need people that will represent their products to your friends, family and local business owners.
The real inkjet and toner printer cartridge factories do not advertise in the open market. NDITC spent a great deal of time researching and finding the real factories and their distributors.
With my years of management and consulting experience it was clear that these inkjet and toner manufacturing companies needed customers.
You can become a customer of a real inkjet or toner factory and become their authorized dealer.
They will sell you a toner printer cartridge for $14 that sells for $100 each.
They are truly waiting on you and unknowingly you’re waiting on them. It’s just like buying gasoline for $0.50 cents a gallon and selling the same gasoline for $4.00 a gallon. The inkjet cartridge that you can purchase for $0.43 cents sells in every major retail store; Wal-mart, Best Buy, Staples, Office Max, Office Depot etc for $15.00 each.
You see, the real factory does not advertise to the public.
The real factory guards their prices and their locations.
You won’t find them in the newspaper or the internet.
When you do a Google search type in (inkjet wholesale) or (toner wholesale) and you receive tens of thousands of responses.
These are not the wholesalers.
These are not the real factories.
These might be the companies that try to hustle you out of money.
Our NDITC clients are amazed to find out that you can buy a name brand, factory fresh, 100% guaranteed inkjet cartridge for only $0.43 cents each. This is the real wholesale price. This makes you rich and prosperous and this is the explanation for our great success.

Your job today is a dead-end job.
The truth of the matter is that most jobs are dead-end jobs and it really doesn’t matter how much you make, what title is on your business card or what kind of company car you park in front of your home.
Employers have proved to be harmful to their associates and the only way for you and your family to be in safe hands is to start and sustain your own business.
If you’re interested in changing your life for the better, register your zip code. We are very careful and cautious and guard our own secrets and clients so you must register under our contract terms and conditions.
We never share information and registration is free of any charges. Get registered and NDITC will also give you a free NDITC Program 1302 to get you started.

Good Fortune Plans for Working Women NDITC Inkjet Toner Printer Cartridges



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